· Appoint and remove all officers and
employees as provided for by Charter
· Institute proceedings for the removal of
civil service employees. Unclassified employees will have the right to
appeal directly to City Council if the Mayor tries to take adverse action
against their job. Council can override or modify the Mayor's decision.
· Preside at all Council meetings with the
right to participate in discussion, etc. but not to vote
· Recommend new legislation, or the repeal of
obsolete legislation to Council
· Shall keep Council fully advised as to the
financial condition and needs of the Municipality
· Submit annually to Council a complete
financial report of administrative activities
· Prepare and submit to Council the annual
· Supervise purchasing for all departments
· Shall be the liaison and responsible for
public relations between the City and other political units
· Supervise the issuing of all licenses and
· Perform all other duties as are consistent
with his office or as conferred or required by the laws of the State of
Ohio or of the United States.
· Provide an annual appropriation message
· provide an annual 5 year capital program
· Recognized as the official and ceremonial
head of the Municipality
***Full text of Executive Powers can be found
in proposed charter section 3.09 and in current charter sections 7.03
& 7.05
· Supervise the administration of the
Municipality’s affairs and exercise control of all departments and