No Mayor For A Year Untruth

In a recent mailing, "Residents for Council-Manager Government" claims a poorly written proposed amendment will mean Brunswick will not have a Mayor from for the entire year of 2007.

FACT: The referenced section has the first strong Mayor serving a less-than-four-year term since his or her election would be in May 2003 and end December 31, 2006. The next scheduled mayoral election in Brunswick is in November 2006 with that person taking office on January 1, 2007. It appears someone cannot subtract or does not know when elections occur.

They have based this claim upon a letter allegedly written by Tim Reid, our 14-year veteran part-time non-resident Law Director who was paid $47,678.79 in 2001, only $6,700 less than the median family in Brunswick!

In 1991 Mr. Reid was asked whether a citizen's constitutionally guaranteed First Amendment rights had been violated by City Manager Trimble at a Council meeting when the citizen was prevented from speaking on an agenda item. Unbelievably, Mr. Reid ruled NO! One year later the Federal Court for the Northern District of Ohio slapped down Mr. Reid's ruling and the taxpayers of Brunswick paid out tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees and damages.

A few years later the Brunswick Civil Service Commission asked Mr. Reid whether it was permissible for them to open a Civil Service Test to non-employees. Mr. Reid ruled that it absolutely was not permissible and that the Civil Service Commission should expect to get sued and should expect to lose. 

The Civil Service Commission thumbed its nose at Mr. Reid and opened the test to non-employees and Mr. Reid, who is supposed to protect the City of Brunswick, DID NOT STOP THEM!

And just this year, non-resident Law Director Reid declared at a City Council meeting that Roberts Rules of Order took precedence over a section of the Brunswick Charter.

Do you believe that a strong Mayor would kick our non-resident Law Director Reid out on his ear as one of his first acts, or at a minimum, cut his pay about $20,000 a year?


Copyright 2002 - Citizens for the Right to Elect - All Rights Reserved

Paid for by the committee "Citizens for the Right to Elect"

Gloria Tews -Treasurer, 3671 Ascot Dr., Brunswick, OH 44212

Last Updated: 11/02/2002