Ohio Constitution Section Dealing With Home Rule and Charter Amendments
OConst Art. XVIII § 7 Home rule.
Text of Section
Any municipality may frame and adopt or amend a charter
for its government and may, subject to the provisions of section 3 of this
article, exercise thereunder all powers of local self-government.
OConst Art. XVIII § 8 Submission of question of
election of charter commission; approval.
Text of Section
The legislative authority of any city or village may by
a two-thirds vote of its members, and upon petition of ten per centum of the
electors shall forthwith, provide by ordinance for the submission to the
electors, of the question, "Shall a commission be chosen to frame a
charter." The ordinance providing for the submission of such question
shall require that it be submitted to the electors at the next regular municipal
election if one shall occur not less than sixty nor more than one hundred and
twenty days after its passage; otherwise it shall provide for the submission of
the question at a special election to be called and held within the time
aforesaid. The ballot containing such question shall bear no party
designation, and provision shall be made thereon for the election from the
municipality at large of fifteen electors who shall constitute a commission to
frame a charter; provided that a majority of the electors voting on such
question shall have voted in the affirmative. Any charter so framed shall be
submitted to the electors of the municipality at an election to be held at a
time fixed by the charter commission and within one year from the date of its
election, provision for which shall be made by the legislative authority of the
municipality in so far as not prescribed by general law. Not
less than thirty days prior to such election the clerk of the municipality shall
mail a copy of the proposed charter to each elector whose name appears upon the
poll or registration books of the last regular or general election held therein.
If such proposed charter is approved by a majority of the electors voting
thereon it shall become the charter of such municipality at the time fixed
(Adopted September 3, 1912.)
OConst Art. XVIII § 9 Amendments to charter;
submission; approval.
Text of Section
of a municipality by a two-thirds vote of the
legislative authority thereof, and, upon petitions signed by ten per centum of
the electors of the municipality setting forth any such proposed amendment,
shall be submitted by such legislative Amendments to any charter framed and
adopted as herein provided may be submitted to the electors authority.
The submission of proposed amendments to the electors shall be governed by the
requirements of section 8 as to the submission of the question of choosing a
charter commission; and copies of proposed amendments may be mailed to the
electors as hereinbefore provided for copies of a proposed charter, or pursuant
to laws passed by the general assembly, notice of proposed amendments may be
given by newspaper advertising. If any such amendment is approved by a majority
of the electors voting thereon, it shall become a part of the charter of the
municipality. A copy of said charter or any amendment thereto shall be certified
to the secretary of state, within thirty days after adoption by a referendum
(Amended January 1, 1971.)