In order to change from a City Manger form of
government to a Strong-Mayor form of government, EACH of the following
Brunswick City Charter sections shall be amended as indicated by the underlined
The Representative Branch shall consist of the
Council and Mayor elected by the voters of the Municipality, and shall possess
respectively the legislative and judicial powers specified in this Charter. The
Council shall appoint a City Manager who shall execute the laws and administer
the government of the Municipality. The Municipality shall have only such other
officers as are provided for in this Charter or in ordinances duly enacted.
2.01 Form of Government The
municipality shall operate under a strong-mayor form of government. The Council
and Mayor shall be elected by the voters of the municipality and shall possess
respectively, the legislative, judicial, and administrative powers specified in
this Charter. The municipality shall have only other such officers as are
provided for in this Charter or in ordinances duly enacted.
a. Election of Mayor
The Mayor shall be an elector of the Municipality and be elected by a majority
vote of the electors of the Municipality. Effective January 1, 1997 the Mayor
will be elected for a period of four (4) years beginning on the first day of
January next following said election. The Mayor shall be recognized as the
official head of the Municipality for all ceremonial purposes. (Amended 11-8-94)
b. Legislative Powers of the Mayor
The Mayor shall preside at all meetings of the Council but shall not vote
therein. The Mayor may take part in all discussions coming before the Council.
c. Judicial Powers of the Mayor
The Mayor shall have all the judicial powers granted by the laws of the State of
Ohio to the Mayors of cities.
d. The Vacancy in Office of Mayor
When the Mayor is absent temporarily or inaccessible or is unable, for any cause
or reason to perform his duties, the Vice-Mayor, having been elected by Council
from its body to such position, shall serve as Mayor but shall not cease to be a
Councilman. In the event the office of Mayor shall become vacant, the Vice-Mayor
shall serve the unexpired term and his offices as Vice-Mayor and Councilman
shall become vacant.
3.09 Office of the Mayor –
3.09a Election and Term The Mayor
shall be elected by a majority vote of the electors of the Municipality. The
Mayor will be elected for a period of four (4) years, beginning on the first day
of January next following said election. The Mayor shall serve full-time as the
chief executive officer and head of the administrative agencies of the
3.09b Qualifications The Mayor shall
have been a qualified elector and a resident of the Municipality prior to the
date of his election and shall continue to be a qualified elector and resident
therein during his term. The Mayor shall hold no other elective public office
and he shall not otherwise be employed by this Municipality, nor shall he hold
any other office in this Municipality, except as otherwise provided in this
Charter or by ordinance enacted hereunder, and that of notary public or
membership in the Ohio National guard or the Reserve Corps. of the United States
3.09c Vacancy in Office of Mayor 1)
ABSENCE The Mayor shall designate, by letter, filed with and confirmed by
Council, any official of the City to perform his duties during his temporary
absence or disability of a period exceeding seventy-two (72) consecutive hours.
2) VACANCY In the event the office of Mayor shall become vacant due to death,
resignation or disqualification, the office shall be filled for the remainder of
the unexpired term, if any, at the next regularly scheduled election following
not less than sixty (60) days upon the occurrence of the vacancy. The individual
designated to perform the duties of Mayor during temporary absences shall
perform the duties of Mayor until the results of said election have been
certified by the Board of Elections.
3.09d Judicial Powers of the Mayor The
Mayor shall have all the judicial powers granted by the laws of the State of
Ohio to the Mayors of cities.
3.09e Legislative Powers of the Mayor
The Mayor shall preside at all meetings of the Council, but shall not vote
therein. The Mayor shall have the right to recommend and introduce legislation
and to take part in the discussion of all matters coming before Council.
3.09f Veto Powers Every ordinance or
resolution adopted by Council shall be presented promptly to the Mayor. If the
Mayor approves such ordinance or resolution, he shall sign it indicating his
approval and return it to the Clerk within ten (10) days after it’s adoption
by Council. If he does not approve it, he shall return it to the clerk within
said ten (10) days with his written objections, which shall be entered in full
upon the journal of Council. If the Mayor does not sign an ordinance or
resolution within said ten (10) day period, it shall take effect in the same
manner as if he had signed it The Mayor may approve or veto the whole or any
item of an ordinance or resolution appropriating funds; but otherwise, his
approval or veto shall be addressed to the entire ordinance or resolution. When
the Mayor has vetoed an ordinance or resolution, or a part or item thereof as
herein provided, the Council shall, not later than it’s next regular meeting,
proceed to reconsider it, and if, upon reconsideration, the ordinance or
resolution or part or item thereof vetoed by the Mayor be approved by the
affirmative vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the members of Council, it
shall then take effect without the signature of the Mayor, in the same manner as
if he had signed it. In all such cases, the votes shall be taken by roll call
and entered upon the journal of Council. The Mayor shall have no authority to
veto an ordinance or resolution proposing to amend this charter or calling for
an election authorized by this charter or the Constitution or the laws of the
State of Ohio
3.09g Executive Powers The Mayor
shall be the chief executive officer of the Municipality. He shall supervise the
administration of the Municipality’s affairs and shall exercise control of all
departments and divisions. He shall be the chief executive conservator of the
peace within the territory of the Municipality, and shall see that all laws and
ordinances are enforced therein. Subject to the other provisions of this
charter, the Mayor shall have the power to appoint, promote or transfer any
officer or employee of the Municipality except those required by this charter to
be elected by a vote of the people. The Mayor shall have the power to
discipline, suspend, transfer, reduce in rank and /or discharge from employment
an officer or employee of the Municipality for incompetence, gross neglect of
duty, gross immorality, failure to obey orders given them by the proper
authority, or for any other reasonable or just cause, including instituting
proceedings necessary for the removal of officers and employees within the
classified civil service. All suspensions, reduction in rank, or removal from
the department, or termination of employment, of unclassified civil service
employees, may be appealed to the legislative authority of the Municipality
within ten (10) days from the date of the Mayor’s judgment. The legislative
authority shall hear the appeal within fourteen (14) days of the date the appeal
was filed. The person against whom the judgment had been rendered may appear in
person and by counsel at the hearing, examine all witnesses, and answer all
charges against him. At the conclusion of the hearing, the legislative authority
may dismiss the charges; uphold the Mayor’s judgment; or modify the judgment
to one of suspension for not more than sixty (60) days, reduction in rank, or
removal from the department. Action of the legislative authority other than
upholding the Mayor’s judgment requires the affirmative vote of two-thirds
(2/3) of the members of Council. The decision of the legislative authority may
be appealed to the Common Pleas Court, as provided in the Ohio Revised Code. The
Mayor shall also be responsible for the preparation and submission of the annual
estimate of receipts and expenditures, and of appropriation measures, and shall
at all times keep the Council fully advised as to the financial condition and
needs of the Municipality. He shall see that all terms and conditions imposed in
favor of the Municipality or its inhabitants in any franchise or contract to
which the Municipality is a party are favorable kept and performed. The Mayor
shall execute on behalf of the Municipality all contracts, conveyances,
evidences of indebtedness and all other instruments to which the Municipality is
a party. The Mayor shall perform other such duties as are consistent with his
office or as are conferred or required by the laws of the State of Ohio, or of
the United States of America. The Mayor shall be granted all powers and shall be
required to perform all duties as have been previously prescribed to the City
Manager in any city record.The Mayor shall be recognized as the official and
ceremonial head of the Government of the Municipality by the Governor for
military purposes, and by the Courts for the purpose of serving civil processes.
The Council, by a majority vote, may make
investigations into the affairs of the City and the conduct of any City
department, office or agency. For this purpose, the Mayor, the Vice-Mayor of
Council or other member of Council who is presiding at any such meeting or
hearing, may subpoena witnesses, administer oaths, take testimony, and require
the production of evidence. Any person who fails or refuses to obey a lawful
order issued in the exercise of these powers by the Presiding Officer shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of not more than five hundred
($500.00) dollars or by imprisonment for not more than thirty (30) days, or
3.11 INVESTIGATIONS The Council, by
a majority vote, or the Mayor, may make investigations into the affairs
of the City and the conduct of any City department, office or agency. For this
purpose, the Mayor, the Vice-Mayor of Council or other member of Council who is
presiding at any such meeting or hearing, may subpoena witnesses, administer
oaths, take testimony, and require the production of evidence. Any person who
fails or refuses to obey a lawful order issued in the exercise of these powers
by the Presiding Officer shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and punishable by a
fine of not more than five hundred ($500.00) dollars or by imprisonment for not
more than thirty (30) days, or both.
The Council may provide, without competitive
bidding, for an annual or special audit of any or all City funds. Such audit may
be in addition to an audit by representatives of the State Auditor or other
State official or agency as may be determined to be required under the
Constitution of the State of Ohio.
3.12 INDEPENDENT AUDIT The Council, or
the Mayor, may provide, without competitive bidding, for an annual or
special audit of any or all City funds. Such audit may be in addition to an
audit by representatives of the State Auditor or other State official or agency
as may be determined to be required under the Constitution of the State of Ohio.
4.01 Appointment Qualifications and Removal, 4.02 Resident Requirements, 4.03
Powers and Duties, 4.04 Assistant City Manager, 4.05 Temporary City Manager
The City Manager shall be appointed by
Council, a minimum of five (5) votes being necessary for his appointment. His
tenure shall be indefinite, but shall continue only at the pleasure of Council.
A City Manager shall be chosen by Council on the basis of professional and
executive qualifications which shall include:
1. A master’s degree in a pertinent field
from an accredited institution of higher learning, and a. Experience as a City
Manager, or b. A minimum of two years experience as an assistant City Manager,
or c. Three years in other senior municipal managerial position.
2. At least eight (8) years experience as an
executive in an industry employing a minimum of 100 employees.
The Mayor shall not be eligible for
appointment as City Manager during the term of office for which he has been
elected or for one year thereafter, except as temporary City Manager.
The City Manager may be suspended for a period
not to exceed sixty (60) days, or removed from office, by a vote of at least
five (5) members of Council. A letter of dismissal shall be delivered promptly
by the Clerk of Council to the City Manager stating the reasons for dismissal.
Within five (5) days after the letter of dismissal is delivered to the City
Manager, he may file with the Council a written request for a public hearing.
This hearing shall be held at a Council meeting not earlier than fifteen days
nor later than thirty days after the request is filed.
(Amended 11-4-80; 11-7-95)
The City Manager need not be a resident of the
City or State at the time of his appointment but may reside outside the City
while in office only by resolution of the Council.
The City Manager shall be the chief executive
officer and head of the administrative agencies of the City. He shall be
responsible to the Council for the proper administration of all the affairs of
the City within the scope of his powers and duties and for the enforcement of
all laws and ordinances. He shall have the power and be required to:
1. Appoint and remove all officers and
employees except as otherwise provide in this Charter.
2. Institute proceedings, when necessary, for
the removal of officers and employees within civil service.
3. Attend all meetings of Council with the
right to participate in discussion and bring matters to the attention of
Council, but without the right to vote.
4. Recommend any legislation for adoption by
Council, or recommend the repeal of obsolete legislation.
5. Submit to Council a monthly summary showing
the condition of all funds.
6. Prepare and submit annually to Council, a
complete report of the financial administrative activities of the City for the
preceding year.
7. Shall make such other reports as the
Council may require concerning the operation of City departments, offices and
agencies subject to his direction and supervision.
8. Prepare and submit to the Council, after
receiving estimates made by the directors of the departments, the annual budget
and prepare the annual budget to be adopted by Council as required by law and
represent the City at all hearings on the budget adopted by Council.
9. Supervise purchasing for all departments of
the City.
10. Shall be the liaison, and responsible for
the public relations, between the City and other political units, (i.e. other
cities, County Commissioners, etc.) and other organizations interested in the
welfare and growth of the City.
11. Supervise the issuing of all licenses and
permits pursuant to ordinances and resolutions, except as provided within this
12. Perform all other duties prescribed for
him in this Charter or by Council and in the performance thereof may delegate to
subordinate officers and employees of the Municipality any of these duties, but
he shall be responsible for the faithful performance of such duties.
All department heads shall be chosen solely on
the basis of their qualifications,
experience and knowledge of duties, standards
and accepted practice of their office. Neither the Council, nor any of its
members or committees shall dictate the appointment of any person to office or
employment by the City Manager, nor in any way interfere with or prevent the
City Manager from exercising his own judgement in the appointment of officers
and employees in the administrative service. Except for the purpose of inquiry,
the Council and its members shall deal with the administrative service solely
through the City Manager and neither the Council nor any member thereof shall
give orders to any subordinates of the City Manager.
The City Manager shall designate, by letter,
filed with and confirmed by Council, any official of the City to perform his
duties as Assistant City Manager during his temporary absence or disability of a
period exceeding seventy-two (72) consecutive hours.
(Amended 11-5-85)
In the event the position of City Manager
becomes vacant due to death, removal, or resignation, the Council shall, by
resolution, appoint another qualified City administrative officer to act as
temporary City Manager and to perform the duties of the City Manager until
another City Manager is appointed by Council.
DEPARTMENTS, 5.02 Department of Public Service, 5.03 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC
No Councilman shall hold any other City office
or City employment or any appointment on any board or committee with the City
except committees of Council, and employment by the Board of Education.
a. Appointments and Removals Neither
the Council nor any of its members shall in any manner dictate the appointment
or removal of any City administrative officer or employee whom the City Manager (MAYOR)
or any of his subordinates are empowered to appoint, but the Council may
express its views and fully and freely discuss with the City Manager (MAYOR)
anything pertaining to appointment and removal of such officers and employees.
b. Interference with Administration Except
for the purpose of inquiries and investigations under Article VI, Section 6, the
Council or its members shall deal with City officers and employees who are
subject to the direction and supervision of the City Manager (MAYOR)
solely through the City Manager, (MAYOR) and neither the Council
nor its members shall give orders to any such officer or employee either
publicly or privately.
The following departments are hereby
established by this Charter: 1. Department of Public Service 2. Department of
Public Safety 3. Department of Law 4. Department of Finance 5. Department of
Parks and Recreation 6. Department of Planning and Community Development
Each department shall be headed by a director
who shall be appointed by the City Manager, (MAYOR) subject to
confirmation by City Council, and who shall serve at the pleasure of the City
Manager (MAYOR). With the consent of Council, the City Manager (MAYOR)
may serve as the head of one or more such departments.
Council shall, by ordinance, provide for the
organization thereof and shall have the power to establish, by ordinance,
additional departments. All appointments and removals in the various departments
shall be made by the respective director, subject to the civil service
requirements of this Charter.
(Amended 11-6-90)
a. Divisions Established The
Department of Public Service shall consist of the following divisions: 1.
Division of Engineering 2. Division of Public Properties, including streets,
public grounds, and public buildings 3. Division of Permits and Inspections
b. Duties of the Director The
Director of Public Service shall have charge of the Department of Public
Service. He shall make all necessary rules and regulations for the government of
the department and the divisions thereof. He shall have charge of all
engineering, construction, inspection, maintenance, repair, and cleaning of all
public improvements and properties with the exception of parks and recreational
areas. He shall have charge of all private building inspections and all Zoning
Code inspections. He shall have charge of making and preserving all surveys,
maps, plans, drawings, estimates and contracts for all public improvements and
properties under his jurisdiction. All contracts for public entered
improvements, work or repair in excess of seven thousand five hundred ($7,500)
dollars shall be executed in the name of the City by the Director only after
approval by the Council and shall be entered into only with the lowest and/or
best bidder after public competitive bidding to the extent provided for by this
Charter. He shall perform such other duties consistent with his office, as may
be required by this Charter, by ordinance of the Council, or as directed by the
City Manager (MAYOR). (11-7-89; 11-7-00)
A. Divisions Established The
Department of Public Safety shall consist of the following divisions: 1.
Division of Fire 2. Division of Police 3. Division of Public Health and Welfare
B. Duties and Qualifications of the Director The
Director of Public Safety shall have charge of the Department of Public Safety.
He shall make all necessary rules and regulations for the government of the
Department and the Divisions thereof. He shall be charged with the duty of
enforcing all police, fire, safety, health, and sanitary regulations that may be
prescribed by ordinance or rules of the City, or, when applicable, the General
Laws of Ohio. The Director of Public Safety shall perform such other duties
consistent with his office as may be required by this Charter, by ordinance of
the Council, or as directed by the City Manager (MAYOR).
The Director of Public Safety shall have
experience in the fields of law and/or law enforcement and shall be a resident
of the County of Medina, Ohio.
1. Division of Fire and Rescue
A. For the purpose of this section a full-time
Division of Fire shall be created upon passage of an additional municipal income
tax to provide for such full-time service.
B. At such time as a full-time Fire Department
is established, the then duly appointed Chief of the City of Brunswick Fire
Department will forthwith become the Chief of the Division of Fire.
C. At such time as the full-time Fire
Department is established and at such time as full-time members are to be
appointed as members of the full-time Fire Department, the following procedures
shall govern such appointment or hiring:
i. An eligibility list for full-time division
of Fire members shall be compiled which shall consist solely of Division of Fire
members as of the date a full-time Fire Division is established. ii. At the time
the eligibility list is compiled, the order of eligibility shall correspond with
the order of years of service with the City, with the member having the most
years of service being placed first on the eligibility list and with all other
members being named to the eligibility list in an order which corresponds to
their decreasing years of service. iii. No member of the City of Brunswick Fire
Department shall be required to take a Civil Service test or any other type of
test in order to be named to the eligibility list.
iv. Until the eligibility list is completely
exhausted, as outlined below, no Civil Service test for eligibility for
employment to the full-time Division of Fire shall be given to a part-time
appointee. The part-time Division of Fire members, on the date of creation of
the full-time Division of Fire, will have the right of first refusal to the
full-time Division of Fire. A part-time member who shall decline or refuse
appointment or fail to meet full-time training requirements of the full-time
Division of Fire may retain the part-time position. v. Members shall be
appointed to the full-time Fire Department from the eligibility list in
accordance with their order of eligibility. If a member shall decline or refuse
appointment to the full-time Fire Department, he shall maintain his position on
the eligibility list, provided, however, that after his third refusal, his name
shall be placed at the bottom of the eligibility list. vi. If a member does not
accept a full-time position within five years after being placed at the bottom
of the eligibility list pursuant to item v. above, his name shall then be
removed from the eligibility list. vii. Appointees to the full-time Division of
Fire from part-time service shall complete training to the required level within
two (2) years of appointment. viii. The Civil Service Commission shall create an
appropriate eligibility list for full-time Division of Fire members in addition
to the eligibility list consisting of the part-time Division of Fire members.
Once those individuals on the part-time Division of Fire eligibility list have
refused appointment to the full-time Division of Fire, the City may then utilize
the eligibility list of individuals other than part-time Division of Fire
members for appointment to the full-time Division service.
D. When a part-time member of the Division of
Fire is appointed to the full-time Division of Fire such appointee will have the
appointee’s part-time or volunteer years of service with the City of
Brunswick, included in pro-rated computation of years of service with the City
for the purpose of compensation and employee benefits. For proration purposes,
2080 hours shall equal one (1) year credit for full-time service. (Ord. 11-5-85;
2. Division of Police The
Chief of Police shall have charge of the Division of Police. Any Chief of the
Division of Police appointed shall be selected from the three (3) highest
candidates after a promotional competitive examination as provided by the Civil
Service laws of the State of Ohio.
A. Applicants for full-time employment as a
police officer with the City shall receive the following credits: i. Five (5)
points for completion of military service with honorable discharge. ii. Two (2)
points for an associate college degree and five (5) points for a bachelor degree
from an accredited college, with the maximum credit permitted being five (5)
points total for a college degree or degrees. iii. Two (2) points credit for
completion of Ohio Peace Officer's Training Academy and an additional one (1)
point credit for each year of part-time service as an accredited police officer
with the City of Brunswick with a maximum service credit of three (3) points.
(Amended 11-6-90.)
The Department of Law shall be headed by the
Director of Law. No person shall be appointed Director of Law unless he has been
duly admitted to the practice of law in the State of Ohio and has been actively
engaged on a full-time basis in the practice of law therein for a period of five
(5) years or more prior to this appointment. He shall be the legal advisor and
attorney for the City and shall perform such duties as are consistent with his
office and as may be required by the City Manager (MAYOR). He
shall prosecute or defend all suits for or on behalf of the City and shall
prepare all contracts, bonds, and other instruments in writing in which the City
is concerned and endorse on each his approval of the forms and correctness
thereof. The Law Director shall prepare all resolutions and ordinances requested
in writing by any member of Council or the City Manager (MAYOR) or
any department head. He shall give written opinions to any department head or
official of the City, or to Council, within fifteen (15) days, when requested in
writing to do so, and file a copy of the same with the City Manager (MAYOR).
He shall be the prosecuting attorney for the City. He may appoint Assistant
Directors of Law as positions are created by Council. He shall perform all other
duties now or hereinafter imposed upon City Solicitors by the general laws of
Ohio unless otherwise provided by ordinance of the Council and shall perform
such other duties as may be required by this Charter and/or as Council or the
City Manager (MAYOR) may impose upon him consistent with his
(Amended 11-5-85)
The Department of Finance shall be headed by
the Director of Finance. No person shall be appointed Director of Finance unless
he has been actively engage on a full-time basis in the practice of governmental
financing, accounting, taxation, and/or business administration for a period of
five (5) years or more prior to his appointment. The Director of Finance shall
administer the fiscal affairs of the City, including the supervision and
maintenance of records and accounting procedures which shall conform to the
general laws of Ohio; the compilation of estimates for the budget of all
departments of the City; the exercise of financial budgetary controls over
appropriations made; the custody of funds, investments, and other property of
the City; the collection of fees, assessments, and tax revenues for which the
City is responsible; the investment and deposit of funds as may be provided by
Council; the payment of the public debt of the City; and such other duties as
may be required by this Charter and/or as the City Manager (MAYOR)
may impose upon him consistent with this office.
The Director of Finance shall make reports in
the form and at such intervals as may be requested by the City Manager (MAYOR),
showing the financial standing of the City or of any department or agency
As pertains to initiative and referendum
petitions, the Finance Director shall be the person designated as having the
authority of the treasurer and/or auditor under State statute. (Amended
The Director of Planning and Community
Development will be in charge of the Department of Planning and Community
Development. The Director shall perform administrative and professional services
in directing the activities of the Planning and Community Development Department
and shall assist in plans, direction, and coordination of the activities of the
Planning and Community Development Department including review of technical
activities of planning, development, redevelopment, and coordinating development
with the Administration and with the various Boards and Commissions of the City.
The Department of Planning and Community Development will prepare comprehensive
planning studies and special reports for the City Manager (MAYOR),
the Planning Commission, the City Council, and other Boards and Commissions of
the City.
The Director of Planning and Community
Development will attend Council meetings and meetings of other Boards and
Commissions as directed by the City Manager (MAYOR).
(Added 11-6-90.)
a. Term of Office There
is hereby created a Board of Ethics, consisting of three (3) members not holding
other Municipal office or appointment, and shall serve for a period of three (3)
years. The original appointment of Board members shall be one for a term of one
(1) year, one for a term of two (2) years, and one for a term of three (3)
years. Succeeding members shall be appointed for three (3) year terms.
b. Powers and Duties.
1. The Board shall receive complaints against
members of Council, officers and employees of the City, and members of any board
or commission of the City concerning conduct alleged to be in violation of any
provisions of this Charter or any law or ordinance which establishes ethical
standards for or otherwise regulates the conduct of members of Council, officers
or employees of the City or members of any board or commission of the City. The
Board shall investigate each complaint and submit a report to the Council.
2. Upon the written request of any member of
Council, officer or employee of the City, or member of any board or commission
of the City, or whenever it deems it advisable, the Board may submit advisory
opinions with regard to questions concerning ethics, conflicts of interest or
other matters involving performance of official duties.
3. The Board shall recommend legislation, and
amendments thereof, to Council relating to standards of conduct for members of
Council, officers and employees of the City, and members of any board or
commission of the City with respect to interests in the following: a. Contracts,
b. Work or services with or for the City, c. Representation of private interests
before Municipal agencies and courts, d. Disclosure of interest in legislation
before Council, e. Acceptance of gifts and favors, f. Disclosure of confidential
information, g. Holding of investments in conflict with official duties, h.
Incompatible employment, i. Future employment, and j. Such other standards of
conduct as it may deem advisable.
4. In cooperation with the City Manager (MAYOR) and
Council, the Board may provide a continuing program of education and information
for members of Council, officers and employees of the City, and members of any
board or commission of the City with regard to ethics, conflicts of interest and
other matters involving performance of official duties.
Every department, division, board, commission
or other agency of the City shall furnish to the Board of Ethics such data,
information, statements and assistance as may be necessary for the proper
exercise of its powers and duties. The Board of Ethics shall adopt uniform rules
and regulations for the method of performing its powers and duties, including
the filing of complaints, the conduct of investigations, hearings and
deliberations, issuance of reports, and the conduct of its meetings.
On or about the fifteenth day of November of
each year, the City Manager (MAYOR) shall submit to the Council,
an annual appropriation measure for the ensuing fiscal year and accompanying
The City Manager's (MAYOR’S) message
shall explain the annual appropriation measure both in fiscal terms and in terms
of the work programs. It shall outline the proposed financial policies of the
City for the ensuing fiscal year, describe the important features of the budget,
indicate any major changes from the current year in financial policies,
expenditures, and revenues together with the reasons for such changes,
summarizing the City's debt position and include such other material as the City
Manager (MAYOR) deems necessary.
1. The City Manager (MAYOR)
shall prepare and submit to the Council a five (5) year capital program no later
than the fifteenth of November of each year.
2. The capital program shall include: a. A
clear general summary of its contents; b. A list of all capital improvements
which are proposed to be undertaken during the five (5) fiscal years next
ensuing, with appropriate supporting information as to the necessity for such
improvements; c. Cost estimates, method of financing and recommended time
schedules for such improvements; and d. The estimated annual cost of operating
and maintaining the facilities to be constructed or acquired.
The above information may be revised and
extended each year with regard to capital improvements still pending or in
process of construction or acquisition.
(Amended 11-5-85; 11-7-95)
The City Manager (MAYOR) may,
within the amounts and items appropriated by Council, make purchases and enter
into contracts on behalf of the Municipality involving expenditures not in
excess of seven thousand five hundred ($7,500) dollars with the exception of
emergency expenditures which shall subsequently be submitted to Council for its
The Council may authorize expenditures of
funds of the City in amounts exceeding seven thousand five hundred ($7,500)
dollars without public bidding, for the acquisition of real estate, for the
discharge of non-contractual claims against the City, for professional services,
for the joint use of facilities or exercise of powers with other political
subdivisions, or for the product or services of public utilities (including
those municipally and publicly operated), but no other expenditures of more than
seven thousand five hundred ($7,500) dollars shall be made except pursuant to
contract made with the lowest and/or best bidder after public advertising and
receipt of bids in the manner provided by ordinance. (11-7-89; 11-7-00)
Form of Government Transition
Upon certification by the Board of Elections that the proposed
charter amendments changing from a City Manager form of government to a
strong-mayor form of government have been adopted:
- City Council must, within thirty (30) days, determine the
salary and benefits for the position of full-time Mayor
- The position of full-time Mayor shall be filled at the next
regularly scheduled election. The proposed charter amendments shall take
effect upon the certification by the Board of Elections of the results of
the mayoral election.
- The term of the first full-time Mayor shall last from the
time of certification by the Board of Elections until December 31, 2006.
Each succeeding Mayor shall then be elected for a four-year term, beginning
on the first day of January next following said election.
- City Council shall provide for a City Manager or Temporary
City Manager to serve from the time the proposed charter amendments are
adopted until the results of the mayoral election have been certified and
the amendments take effect.