Dictatorship or City Manager?

"Residents for Council-Manager Government" claim in their latest flyer:

"READ THE PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENTS" - Yes, we definitely agree. In fact, you can find them by clicking here. We think you will decide that the one thing they do not want you to do is read the proposed amendments but rather believe their flyers and ads.

"A Full-Time Strong Mayor does not give power back to the voters!" - Our thanks to "Residents for Council-Manager Government" for supporting our statements that the City Manager form of government does take the power away from the voters. If it didn't, they would have claimed we already have the power so there is nothing to give back, wouldn't they? Read the proposed amendments and decide for yourself.

"Dictatorship - A political system where power is concentrated in the hands of a single individual." - Hmmm, since the vast, vast majority of the proposed amendments simply replace the phrase "City Manager" with "Mayor", we would like to again thank "Residents for Council-Manager Government" for pointing out that an appointed City Manager meets their definition of a Dictator. The proposed charter amendments actually increase the protections in place today. Yes, please read them!

"THE CHARTER CHANGE PUTS TOO MUCH POWER INTO THE HANDS OF ONE PERSON." - Please read the definition of "dictatorship" above. When have you ever read about the people being able to vote out a dictator from the highest office?


Copyright 2002 - Citizens for the Right to Elect - All Rights Reserved

Paid for by the committee "Citizens for the Right to Elect"

Gloria Tews -Treasurer, 3671 Ascot Dr., Brunswick, OH 44212

Last Updated: 10/30/2002